What is the Con-Ed Buddy Picnic?
The Buddy Picnic is a Con-Ed event which is traditionally held in mid-September. Incoming students, including those returning from the Bader International Study Centre, are paired up with upper-year Con-Ed students that have similar interests and teaching goals. During this event, partnerships have the opportunity to get to know each other and bond over lunch. Due to Covid-19, the in-person component of the Buddy Picnic will take place early in the Winter semester, providing that in person classes begin again, mentorship groups will then have the chance to meet! Throughout the Winter semester, partnerships will have the opportunity to attend different academic events, such as study groups, as well as a variety of social events, 1-on-1 in person meetings are also encouraged and will be set up by you and your partner.
Despite the changes Covid-19 has brought, we still look forward to running the Buddy Picnic in a remote way this fall. Upper-year buddies will receive their pairing and contact information in early Septemebr, they will then be in contact with their buddy and set up a remote, online meeting/place to chat! This gives opportunity for you and your partner to continue communication throughout the year and hopefully meet face-to-face someday soon. We will also be adding the element of care packages this year, for the incoming students to receive from their buddies! The Buddy Picnic is a great way to ask questions, get advice, and meet new people!